The Quarterly Risk Report highlights issues that pose risk to associations and provides resources to help associations build knowledge, incorporate best practices, and avoid claims.

Year in Review

Total claims filed in 2023: 62

Active: 26
Potential: 24
Denied: 2

Top 3 Claim Types

62 claims were filed on the NAR Insurance Program in calendar year 2023, with the top three claims comprising 50% of filed claims. For the first time ever, cyber claims topped the list of claim types filed, driven by the Rapattoni breach in August 2023. 

11 Cyber
11 Employment
7 Professional Standards

Check out NAR’s resources in each of these areas to help prevent future claims. Local REALTOR® Associations filed the majority of claims, and the yearly total is in line with recent years. (See graphs below.)

Source of Claims

Q4 risk report source of claims chart

Annual Claim Trends 

Q4 2023 risk report trend graph

Report Downloads

Quarterly Risk Report Q4 2023 banner

2022 Reports