All releases at 10 a.m. Eastern Time. This schedule is also available in .doc format via the download link below.

2024 Statistical News Release Schedule

October 23September Existing-Home Sales
October 30September Pending Home Sales Index
November 7Third Quarter Metro Home Prices
November 21October Existing-Home Sales
November 27October Pending Home Sales Index
December 19November Existing-Home Sales
December 30November Pending Home Sales Index

NAR's Analysis of Economic Indicators

NAR's analysis of economic indicators provides its members with the tools to interpret economic trends and apply that knowledge to their business. NAR Research analyzes the most important economic indicators that influence real estate markets. In addition to NAR’s own existing-home sales and Pending Home Sales Index, other indicators such as new-home sales, housing starts, mortgage interest rates, employment, Gross Domestic Product and the Consumer Price Index are monitored by the Research staff. All these indicators are used by NAR analysts to prepare the Association’s economic forecast, which can be accessed in the Research section, under Housing Statistics. For the latest, check NAR's news releases.
