The following guidelines explain the role of voting Delegates.

Who Is the Delegate Body?

The Delegate Body is part of the NAR governance structure. It is composed of the presidents of member associations, or any person they designate and certify to serve as their alternate. Delegates represent every member of a local association.

Who Can Be Certified As a Delegate?

The chief elected officer of a Member Association, also known as the president, is customarily certified to be the Delegate. If the chief elected officer of a Member Association is unable to attend the meeting, then an alternate Delegate may be certified as the Delegate. This alternate must be a member of the Member Association for which he or she is casting the vote.

Function of the Delegate Body

The duties of the Delegate Body are to vote on the amendments to NAR’s Constitution and Code of Ethics. These duties are accomplished at the Delegate Body Meeting held at NAR NXT, or if the President calls a special meeting.

Preparing for the Delegate Body Meeting

The Delegate Body agenda and the proposed amendments to the NAR Constitution and the Code of Ethics are sent to the member associations 30 days prior to the meeting and are included as part of this notice.

It is important that you read and understand the proposed amendments to NAR’s Constitution and Code of Ethics because you will be voting to change the Association’s governing documents.

At the Delegate Body Meeting

Association Executives are allowed to sit next to their Delegate during the Delegate Body Meeting, but are not allowed to vote.

There will be check-in stations located outside the meeting room. Check-in will open at 10:00 a.m.

At check-in, each Delegate will receive the Delegate Body agenda and handouts.

Only certified Delegates are allowed to vote. A large sign will designate the area reserved for your region. It is important that Delegates sit within their respective region.


A Delegate is entitled to cast as many votes as his/her association has REALTOR® and REALTOR-ASSOCIATE® members in good standing as of Sept. 30 of the current year. A Delegate may not divide his/her association's votes. Voting by proxy is not permitted. Delegates may not vote for more than one association.

Amendments to NAR’s Constitution and the Code of Ethics must be approved by two-thirds vote.

The Delegate Body is an important part of the Association’s governing structure. Your participation as a voting Delegate assures that members receive representation at the National level.

Thank you for your participation as a voting Delegate!
