• 2023 Michael Theo, RCE, CAE, Wisconsin REALTORS® Association
  • 2022 Tessa Hultz, RCE, CAE, Long Island Board of REALTORS®
  • 2021 Steve Francks, RCE, CAE, Washington Association of REALTORS®
  • 2020 Jarrod C. Grasso, RCE, New Jersey REALTORS®
  • 2019 Teresa King Kinney, RCE, CAE, Miami Association of REALTORS®
  • 2018 Walt Baczkowski, RCE, CAE, CEO, San Francisco Association of REALTORS® 
  • 2017 Ginger Downs, RCE, CAE, Chicago Association of REALTORS®
  • 2016 Andrea L. Bushnell, RCE, CIPS, North Carolina Association of REALTORS®
  • 2015 Diane Ruggiero, RCE, CAE, Kansas City Regional Association of REALTORS®
  • 2014 Bill Martin, RCE, Michigan Association of REALTORS®
  • 2013 Stephen D. Harding, Tennessee Association of REALTORS®
  • 2012 Terese (Terry) Penza, RCE, CAE, North Shore-Barrington Association of REALTORS®
  • 2011 Gary Clayton, RCE, CAE, Illinois Association of REALTORS®
  • 2009 Travis Kessler, RCE, CAE, San Antonio Board of REALTORS®
  • 2008 Rob Authier, RCE, CAE, Massachusetts Association of REALTORS®
  • 2007 Benny McMahan, Texas Association of REALTORS®
  • 2006 Malcolm Young, RCE, CAE, Louisiana REALTORS® Association
  • 2005 Cindy Butts, RCE, CAE, Maine Association of REALTORS®
  • 2004 Joel Singer, California Association of REALTORS®
  • 2003 Chuck Staro, New York State Association of REALTORS®
  • 2002 Judith Lindenau, RCE, CAE, Traverse Area Association of REALTORS®
  • 2001 William Malkasian, CAE, Wisconsin REALTORS® Association
  • 2000 Gerald Matthews, CAE, Florida Association of REALTORS®
  • 1999 Gar Anderson, Vermont Association of REALTORS®
  • 1998 James A. Link, CAE, Southland Regional Association of REALTORS®
  • 1997 Christine Todd, RCE, CAE, Northern Virginia Association of REALTORS®
  • 1996 George Patt, CAE, South Southwest Association of REALTORS®
  • 1995 Ty Strout, RCE, CAE, Arizona Association of REALTORS®
  • 1994 Grace Fairbanks, Nashville Board of REALTORS®
  • 1993 Tommie Jackson, CAE, Atlanta Board of REALTORS®
  • 1992 William B. Strong, CAE, Dayton Area Board of REALTORS®
  • 1991 James Bichsel, CAE, North Carolina Association of REALTORS®
  • 1990 Dr. Almon R. Smith, RCE, CAE, Ohio Association of REALTORS®
  • 1989 Andrew Hickey, CAE, Greater Boston Board of REALTORS®
  • 1988 Milton H. Shaw, CAE, Massachusetts Association of REALTORS®
  • 1983 Robert E. Cook, CAE, Illinois Association of REALTORS®