Below are some recommendations on how to become involved in the 2020 census:

Start or join a Complete Count Committee in your community. 

  • A complete count committee (CCC) is a volunteer committee that is established by tribal, state, and local governments and community leaders or organizations to increase awareness about the census and to motivate your neighbors, friends, clients, and family to participate in the 2020 Census. 
  • For more information about complete count committees in your state, please visit:

Share the word about the upcoming census with your family, friends, neighbors, colleagues, and clients about the Census. 

  • Social media is an incredibly powerful tool - Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and more are great platforms to get the word out about the Census. 
  • Phone calls, emails, and text messages are highly effective too! 

Become a Census Taker. 

  • The U.S. Census Bureau is currently hiring, and will need help in conducting the count. Census workers are needed to help count individuals living in group arrangements such as on college dorms, military barracks, nursing homes, and shelters, or people who are displaced because of natural disasters.
  • For more information about becoming a census taker, please visit:

Take the Census Survey. 

  • Beginning in mid-march 2020, households will be able to complete the census survey by mail, by phone, or online at 

For additional information about the census, please visit
