In This Issue
AEs share their advice and 2012 survival techniques.
Across the country, AEs report seeing a shift away from member demands for solely business programs and events, and a shift toward more ...
Winning passage of a state constitutional amendment would be a feather in the cap of any organization. But for Louisiana REALTORS® ...
I’ve received numerous calls lately regarding compensating employees for overtime and under what would be considered ...
During the past few years several associations have offered dues rebates to assist members who are struggling financially.
Associations facing another year of shrinking membership and revenue need new ways to make money to fund association programs, pay staff, ...
Because the housing market has ebbed more than it has flowed in the past few years—causing reservoirs of new members, reserves, and ...
A Q&A wth Christine Todd, CEO of the Northern Virginia Association of REALTORS®.
Every day, in each of our associations, we are living with the impact of the economy on our business—from membership levels dropping ...
Signs of recovery may be emerging after an economic downturn that was both longer and more severe than most association leaders expected.
In the past year, when America officially ended the war in Iraq, REALTOR® associations across the country launched dozens of programs ...
Members of the Plymouth and South Shore Association of REALTORS® (PASS), Mass., came together for a social and charity event, the ...
In November, a federal judge approved a $2.38 million settlement in the antitrust case involving Pittsburgh-based West Penn Multi-List Inc....
To demonstrate the value of membership, NAR launched an online calculator that enables members to add up all the savings they receive from ...
After receiving its degree-granting authority in February from the Illinois Board of Higher Education, REALTOR® University, the NATIONAL...
Only 20.8 percent of trade association executives are confident about the U.S. economy, according to a study by Association Trends.
MLS and REALTOR® association chief executives and senior staff are among the most important people in real estate.
Attendees pay a fee for education offered by the association, and event sponsors pay a fee to get their products in front of those attendees.
The focus of this year’s AE Institute, March 16–20, Louisville, Ky., represents a shift from the association-building and ...
Ann Guiberson, CAE, said goodbye to the REALTOR® family in December after 32 years of serving several associations, most recently as ...
Gil Mercurio stepped down after more than three decades as CEO of the Westchester Putnam Association of REALTORS®, N.Y.