There's no one "type" of a high-quality real estate agent. Your agents come to the table with personalities, backgrounds, and approaches. Each style has their strengths, and bringing on a variety of personalities contributes to a dynamic and diverse atmosphere in the office.
There's one personality type that sometimes slips through the cracks, however. Even though introverts are as adept at their jobs as extroverts and add incredible value to a brokerage, their extroverted counterparts sometimes overshadow their strengths. An astute broker can pinpoint their introverted agents, but supporting them so they can bring their unique talents to life takes a unique approach.
How Introverts and Extroverts Differ
While no one fits precisely into the introvert or extrovert box, there are varying degrees and overlaps within both personality types. Here are some specific tendencies of each type.
According to Dr. Umesh K. Tiwari and the Arizona Center for Hypnotic Healing, introverted personalities typically prefer small, intimate groups over large group settings. They carefully consider whom they allow into their inner circle, and introverts are decidedly loyal once they've committed to those relationships. Their relationships tend to last a long time.
Overall, introverts–in personal and professional relationships–listen to others more than they talk, making them great advisors, counselors, and partners. They tend to have honed observation skills and razor-sharp memories since they spend a good deal of time taking in the information around them. When they speak, they think carefully, reflecting on their thoughts before responding or providing insight.
Personalities that skew introverted are likely low maintenance, as they're not easily ruffled or thrown off balance by office drama. They instead focus on the task at hand without getting involved in social distractions.
One thing to remember when working with introverts is that they do not like being singled out and won't respond well if such happens in a public setting.
In contrast, extroverts prefer large groups and gatherings and like to be the center of attention. Rather than internally processing, they tend to work through their thoughts and emotions out loud, which means they sometimes have to backtrack.
They're often quick to make decisions, which sometimes works to their advantage, and other times does not.
In team meetings and events, extroverts are natural leaders who speak out often, which works well to keep the momentum going.
Dr. Tiwari points out that studies suggest that both introverts and extroverts can learn from one another about how and when to bring out their more extroverted or introverted qualities.
How to Support More Introverted Agents
Let introverted agents know you have confidence in their listening, observational, and research skills. Let them know, for example, that their market knowledge holds value and that you see their ability to thoroughly research and understand local and regional market data and trends.
Invite an introverted agent to join you for a content-specific meeting with other business leaders. That quiet and observational agent will likely provide you with up-to-the-minute data presented and will enjoy watching you use that data in chit-chat with other attendees. Introverts learn from interaction, so being present in the meeting is a valuable opportunity for them, too. They'll likely learn how to use their data better by watching you.
Encourage your introverted agents to arrive early to appointments. It doesn't matter if those meetings are in-person or on the phone. An extra 10-15 minutes gives them time to gather their focus, energy, and expertise on the task at hand. Arriving ahead of time can help with anxiety and stress.
Many introverted real estate agents are successful and established. Point those agents out to your team. If you don't know of any off-hand, you might also point out highly successful introverts like Barack Obama, Bill Gates, and Christina Aguilera.
The goal is to cater to your introverted agents so they can excel and know their strengths are recognized. We live in a world where extroverts are often praised and lauded, leaving introverts feeling overlooked. Celebrating the strengths and accomplishments of your quieter agents is a win for you and them. They're more apt to keep performing, knowing they are appreciated, and you as the broker are diligently working toward a stronger team.