You must repeatedly inform agents of your brokerage’s tools if you want them to care. Here is a list of strategies to communicate your important messages.

Communication is not just an issue between agents and their clients; it’s also a concern between brokers and their agents. Overcommunicating will annoy some agents, but undercommunicating makes others feel disconnected. The challenge is breaking through the noise in our agents’ minds and inboxes.

When launching a new tool or service at your brokerage, give your agents an update with a multichannel approach. Consider the “Rule of Seven,” an old marketing adage that says you need to put your message out to your audience seven times before they will consider buying from you. When communicating to my agents, I prefer to email at least twice, throw in a video, do a few social media posts, and, of course, talk to them in person whenever possible. Admittedly, it starts to feel like you are saying the same thing over and over. Well, you are — that’s the point.

Here are seven steps for getting the word out to your agents.

1. Email: Keep your email messages short and fun. If you want your agents to read it, succinct is best. Also, be as visual as possible. Check out Canva or Illustrio for creating fast and free or low-cost eye-popping visuals.

2. Group text: For group texting, try groupme – it’s super easy to setup and use. This app is free and works on every phone. It allows you to send photos as well.

3. Video: Your video messages do not have to be perfect. You need to get over that. Okay, over it? Great. Take a video, keep it short and to the point, and send it out to your agents via a BombBomb email.

4. Social media (public posts or in a closed group, depending on the message): You have a few options for social. If your message can be public, throw it out there on your channels. A photo or video will work best, and tag owners, managers, and team leaders when it makes sense to share your message even further. If the news or announcement is not something you want on your public social spaces, then a private Facebook group (by office or company) can work nicely.

5. Office TVs or flyers: If you are lucky enough to have large TVs in your offices, get your message on that screen. Use a photo to grab their attention or a short video reel. No TVs? No problem. Go old-school with flyers around the office.

6. Another email: Every important communication from your company deserves a follow-up email. Tell ‘em again. This time you can ask if they have any questions or concerns.

7. Office meeting: Finally, share your company news in person at an office meeting or event. No flashy photos or video needed here — just someone who can stand up and deliver the message.

After seven touches, you can feel confident that you reached the majority of your agents. Remember, the repetition is important; your busy agents are focused on a completely different set of priorities than your leadership team.


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