NAR plans to submit comments on the Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA) recent "Interpretation of the Special Rule for Model Aircraft," which specifically mentioned REALTORS® use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) for taking property videos as being a commercial use and therefore prohibited under FAA policy.

While safety and privacy concerns presented by UAV technology are NAR’s primary concerns, NAR members are also concerned about current FAA policy that prohibits any commercial use of this technology and hinders the growth of many industries. NAR supports regulation that allows industries to use this technology safely to enhance business development but also wants to ensure that any future regulatory framework is not so burdensome and expensive as to prevent UAVs from being used by industries that can benefit from its use. NAR encourages the FAA to comply with the statutory directives issued by Congress to develop rules that integrate UAVs into the national airspace by 2015.

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