Before a House subcommittee on Nov. 19, 2013, NAR past president Moe Veissi testified against further implementation of rate increases until FEMA can report to Congress as required by the Biggert-Waters law.  NAR supported the law because it reauthorized the Flood program for 5 years and ended the uncertainty of shorter extensions and shutdowns that were costing 40,000 home sales monthly.  However, FEMA failed to implement Biggert-Waters in the short timeframe, warn homebuyers or predict the unprecedented magnitude or scope of accompanying rate changes.  FEMA also cannot explain how some property owners who are not subject to the law are seeing increases or why others are receiving widely varying rate quotes when there is supposed to be only one actuarial rate per property.  As a result of these and other unintended consequences, NAR is now supporting a bill to delay further implementation until FEMA submits the affordability report required by Biggert Waters, designates an advocate within FEMA to investigate the increases, and proposes an affordability solution.  NAR has also issued a call for action in support of the bill called the Homeowner Flood Insurance Affordability Act (H.R. 3370/S. 1610).

Read NAR’s written testimonypdf

Read NAR’s blog on the congressional hearing

Respond to NAR’s call for action to pass the Flood Insurance Affordability Bill

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