NAR participated in the FAA Micro UAS Aviation Rulemaking Committee (ARC), which released its recommendations earlier this week. The purpose of the ARC was to write recommendations for the Administrator of the FAA, Michael Huerta, to consider as the FAA moves forward in its UAS rulemaking. The ARC was assembled by invitation only and NAR was the only real estate group to participate. 

The recommendations specifically address micro UAS operations over people, and were developed using the Small UAS Rule NPRM as a basis for operational and educational requirements. Operators would still have to comply with stated requirements of that rule to operate over people, such as education, training and registration of operator and aircraft, and flight near airports is still prohibited. The Small UAS rule is the minimum set of requirements for operation, and this next rulemaking will be the next layer.

Manufacturers will bear the burden of compliance to determine what use categories an aircraft may be used for.

The next step is for the FAA to digest the recommendations of the ARC and start putting together the rulemaking process for micro UAS flight over people.  

Read the ARC recommendations
Read more about the ARC purpose and processpdf

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