"Good Sense Governance" is a series created by NAR’s Member Experience and Legal Affairs teams, that provides association governance "best practices", as well as topical resources, aimed to help associations implement sound governance practices, and tackle important governance issues.
NAR offers the following resources for association reference and use:
- Approval of Courses for Code of Ethics Training Credit
- Dues Formula
- Social Media Policies
- Membership Qualification Criteria
- Alternatives to Attendance at In-Person Meetings
- Board of Directors
- Harassment
- Fiduciary Duties
- 4 Steps To Keep Governing Documents in Compliance
- Selection and Approval of Local Association Educators and Training Courses
If your association has supplemental resources to add to this toolkit, please send them to Dan Doepke at ddoepke@nar.realtor.
Governance Guide for Association Executives
This resource can help state associations assist their local associations in crafting bylaws and policies.