A NAR-supported, bi-partisan water infrastructure bill is headed to President Trump's desk after the Senate voted to pass it 99-1 on October 10, 2018.

S. 3021, "America's Water Infrastructure Act," would authorize numerous port revitalization, flood control, drinking water and water storage projects.

The bill was the result of weeks of negotiations after initial water infrastructure legislation stalled. Members of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, who shepherded the legislation through Congress, celebrated the overwhelming vote.

"America's Water Infrastructure Act will cut Washington red tape, grow the nation's economy, and help keep communities safe. It will create jobs, reduce the deficit, and give local stakeholders more control of projects," committee Chairman John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) said in a statement.

Committee ranking member Tom Carper (D-Del.) said the bill "delivers for families in every state across our country and I'm proud that it's on its way to be signed into law. "This legislation invests in the critical water infrastructure we don't see every day, but that American families in every state rely on, such as drinking water systems, dams, reservoirs, levees, and ports," he said.

The House passed the bill a few weeks ago, but the Senate waited to act until after the battle over confirming Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

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