NAR remains invested in protecting access to Association Health Plans (AHPs) and supporting state and local associations’ pursuit of these plans as an affordable and comprehensive health insurance benefit for REALTORS® and their families.

Federal litigation challenges and state regulatory hurdles currently prevent nationwide adoption of an AHP, but successful state and local enactment could serve as an example for cautious states and reluctant insurers, setting the stage for a national plan down the road. To encourage these efforts, NAR has developed a new AHP Toolkit as a resource for associations to use as they investigate and seek to implement an AHP in their area.

The AHP Toolkit provides foundational resources to understand the lay of the land in a particular jurisdiction and useful tools to address potential barriers to implementation. For example, barriers may include lack of clarity from the state insurance department where the model letter included in the AHP Toolkit may help pinpoint the regulator’s position on whether independent contractors are eligible for AHPs in that state. Clarity from the insurance regulator then bolsters partnerships with potential insurance providers. NAR encourages use of these resources and outreach to others also supporting AHP adoption, such as local chambers and industry associations, to aid AHP efforts.

Learn More:

View the Toolkit

Read the Latest on AHPs

Legal Challenge Update: Association Health Plans (AHPs)

Health Care Reform Topic Page

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