REALTOR® University recently launched a 4 hour online training course for REALTORS® and Association and MLS staff on privacy and data security. “Enhance Your Brand & Protect Your Clients with Data Privacy & Security.” CE credit for the course is pending and will be available soon.

This Data Security and Privacy Course aims to educate real estate associations, brokers, agents, and multiple listing services about the need for data security and privacy; and to assist them in complying with legal responsibilities.

The course provides information about state laws and pending federal regulations regarding data security and privacy protection that may affect your business. In regards to compliance, the course includes various checklists of issues to consider when drafting a security program tailored to your business’s needs.

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to security and compliance, but the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® (NAR) aims to provide your real estate business with the tools necessary for developing a program that best suits your business.

See more at:

Data Privacy & Security Resources for REALTORS®

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