According to the National Association of Realtors® Member Profile, the median age of a Realtor® last year was 57. That year 41 percent of all Realtors® were 60 years old or older and only 2 percent were under 30 years old. The median age of Realtors® has continued to climb since 2007 when it was 51 years old. NAR believes the increase in age may be attributed to professionals staying in real estate longer and putting off retirement.

Realtors® frequently have careers in other fields prior to entering real estate, and young people are sometimes hesitant to jump into the industry immediately out of college because of things like a lack of benefits and a steady paycheck. Despite the small number of young people becoming Realtors®, NAR encourages involvement from this age group and provides resources like the Young Professionals Network to help them succeed. NAR also recognizes outstanding young real estate professionals annually through the 30 Under 30 awards.

Story Springboard

Speak with young real estate professionals in your area. Ask them why they work in the industry and what motivated them to become a Realtor®. Also speak with Realtors® who have been in the business for a long time. Ask for what advice they would give young people entering real estate.
