What many real estate pros call a virtual tour is, in reality, only a photo slideshow, a new study suggests.
Tablet with 3D home floorplan

Many real estate agents may be missing out on a big opportunity to market their listings online through virtual tours and best professional photography practices. As more house shopping goes online, buyers are saying these items are more important to them.

Yet, 94% of listings do not include a virtual tour. Many listings claimed to have a virtual tour but only offered a photo-based slideshow, according to a new study of 25,000 listings conducted by BoxBrownie.com, a virtual staging technology provider. BoxBrownie.com conducted the analysis of listings’ photography and virtual tour assets on top U.S. real estate portals from March to June of this year.

Also, less than 30% of listings used best practices in professional photography, the study found. Only 16% of listings included a floor plan.

Sixty-seven percent of buyers say they want to see floor plans on listings and 58% say they want to see virtual tours, according to the 2021 Home Buyers and Sellers Generational Trends Reportpdf, conducted by the National Association of REALTORS®.

“The results have been very enlightening and unexpected, with less than 30% using best practices in professional photography is surprising, and flies in the face of what we are led to believe,” says Peter Schravemade of BoxBrownie.com.

Apartment listings were twice as likely to include best practices for professional photography and a floor plan than single-family homes, the study finds.

The study also broke down findings on a state level, revealing New York as leading the way for having the highest percentage of properties featuring best practices using professional photography, floor plans, and virtual tours. The metro area was more likely to include all three of these features in their listings versus other regional areas.

BoxBrownie.com will release the full findings from its report on July 20.
