The Mastermind Principle—two or more people drawing on one another’s experience and knowledge to achieve their individual life goals—was introduced in Napoleon Hill’s 1928 book “The Law of Success in Sixteen Lessons.” That's the spirit behind Broker to Broker: practical content on how to grow and shape a successful, ethical, and resilient real estate business.
We're adding new content here every week. Plus, the magazine offers a range of additional resources for brokers.
Sales Meetings: Handouts and activities for teaching time management, negotiation, listing presentations, how to work with difficult clients, and stress reduction.
Broker Profiles: Find and connect with others who share your business values in our profiles of successful brokers.
Broker Solutions: Columnists offer thoughts on a range of topics—from building a company culture that inspires agent retention to carving out a video marketing niche to boosting agent productivity—in our collection of broker solutions below.
Are you the Designated REALTOR® for your brokerage? Become part of a growing online network, the National Association of REALTORS® Broker to Broker Network Facebook Group. The group is waiting for your ideas and insights! Or email article ideas to Erica Christoffer, echristoffer@nar.realtor.