About once a month, my inbox is flooded with subject lines like “Oregon Housing Market Predictions,” “Thinking of Buying a Home?” or “4 Best Things to do When Buying a New Home.” They all sound great, right? The problem is I receive the exact same headlines multiple times—all from different agents at the same firm. While the content may be valuable, I also don’t feel like the message is for me because it’s not personalized.
Automated email drip campaigns are common technology-related tools for brokerages to offer their agents, and they can absolutely be a valuable marketing resource. But an even better system would allow agents to customize and personalize their communications, so potential clients aren’t experiencing the same inbox-clogging spam that I have. Newsletters coming from agents at your brokerage should be an opportunity to entertain, educate, and connect with clients, not necessarily to sell. Here are some tips to improve your real estate newsletter so clients will actually read it.
1. Consistency is key.
Whether you opt for a weekly, monthly, or quarterly newsletter, the key is to consistently provide a resource that clients will look forward to receiving and depend on for valuable content. The time of day, day of the week, and frequency that you send out your newsletter will all have an impact on whether your email will be read or deleted. Keep track of what works best for you and stick to it. You’ll also want to practice consistency when it comes to the content of your newsletter, including the design and messaging. Make sure the design and content of your newsletter matches the rest of your brand as a firm.
2. Think of your subject line as a first impression.
The first thing a client will see when they receive your newsletter is the subject line, and it will influence their decision to open the email and read the content, or send it to the trash bin. Your subject line should be personalized, attention-grabbing, and to the point. Use the subject line as an opportunity to draw your readers in, but be honest about what the content of your newsletter will include.
3. Make it as personal as possible.
Some of the clients on your agents’ email marketing lists may be people they’ve never met face-to-face, so the newsletter is a chance for them to get to know the agent and your brand. Consider the different aspects of the newsletter and how you can make it feel personalized to each client individually. Use a personal email address over a generic one; johnsmith@realestatefirm.com feels a lot safer than info@realestatefirm.com. You want clients to respond with questions or other inquiries, so using a no-reply address is not your best move. Use a conversational tone throughout the email so it reads as if you or the agent are personally speaking to each client.
4. It’s what’s on the inside that matters.
While your subject line is what will entice readers to open your email, the content is what will keep them coming back for more. Sending out a roundup of new listings to clients who have just purchased a home is not the best use of your firm’s time or budget. The goal of sending out a newsletter should not necessarily be to promote listings, but rather provide helpful and useful information that clients will connect with. Create content that is original, timely, relevant to your industry, and that will have an impact on your readers. Seasonal tips, upcoming events, current industry trends, company news, and educational guides are all examples of great content. Try to create and include content that clients can’t find anywhere else.
5. Include a call to action.
What do you want clients to do after reading the newsletter? Newsletters aren’t necessarily about getting business right away, but you still want to connect with your readers in some way. Whether it’s reading a blog post on your website, referring a friend or family member, or reaching out for more information, be clear about what you want readers to do.
6. Make sure your contact information is easy to find.
Give clients multiple ways to get in touch with you, both online and offline. Make sure your company information and the agent’s email, phone number, website, address, and social media information are readily visible in each newsletter. Make it easy for readers to reach out, and they probably will.
Email is still a powerful tool in your marketing approach and in the resources you offer agents, so it shouldn’t be neglected. Whether you are using an automated platform that is part of your firm’s tools or you set up your own campaigns with an email communications platform, these best practices will help you get the most out of your e-marketing strategy and avoid being thrown into the trash by your contacts.
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