An association may require any applicant for commercial information exchange participation or commercial/industrial MLS participation and any licensee affiliated with the CIE or C/I MLS participant who has access to and use of CIE or C/I MLS-generated information to complete an orientation program of no more than twelve (12) classroom hours devoted to the CIE or C/I MLS rules and regulations and computer training related to the CIE or C/I MLS information entry and retrieval. (Amended 11/96)

Note: Associations are not required to establish prerequisites for CIE or C/I MLS participation beyond holding REALTOR® (principal) membership in an association. However, if an association wishes to establish prerequisites for CIE or C/I MLS participation or access to CIE or C/I MLS-generated information, the requirement of attendance at an orientation program is the most rigorous prerequisite that may be required. (Amended 11/96) M