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While many news headlines about the 2010 Census have focused on population shifts and political implications—debates over where to redraw lines for voting districts—the message to real estate agents is loud and clear: The face of America is changing.
In This Issue
While many news headlines about the 2010 Census have focused on population shifts and political implications—debates over where to redraw lines for voting districts—the message to real estate agents is loud and clear: the face of America is changing.
The American melting pot has become more diverse than ever before, largely due to immigration from Latin America and Asia. What does this mean to real estate agents? If you are planning to stay in this business for another ten years or more, you should prepare now to serve a multicultural base of clients, no matter where you reside in the U.S.
Multicultural buyers have been important to the health of today’s housing market. Over the next decade, as more Baby Boomers put their homes on the market, and population shifts continue across the U.S., the role of multicultural buyers will become even more significant. Are you ready to sell to them now and grow your business with them in the future?