By Melissa Dittmann Tracey

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I recently learned a surprising statistic: Termites cause an estimated $5 billion in property damage a year in the United States, which makes these pesky creatures highly destructive. In fact, they cause more damage to wood-based structures than fire, flood, or wind, according to the National Pest Management Foundation.

That said, we should be talking about termites a lot more! For the article in this month's REALTOR Magazine "Termites: The Silent Destroyers," I spoke with Ron Harrison, an entomologist for Orkin Inc., who offered some insights into how home owners can avoid these insects from biting into their homes.

Also, take a look at this video from to learn more.

Do you find your buyers asking for special termite inspections before they purchase or is it even a concern? Do your state or lenders require a termite inspection before a purchase can be completed?
