• Looking at the data from NAR’s 2005-2014 Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers, first-time home buyers were more likely to live with parents, relatives or friends prior to purchasing a home than repeat buyers.
  • For recent home buyers the percentage living with parents, relatives or friends prior to purchasing a home has remained consistent over the last 10 years, with an average of 11% of all buyers.
  • The typical age of first-time homebuyers in 2014 was 31-years-old. First-time buyers made up a larger share of those who lived with relatives or friends prior to purchasing a home in comparison to repeat buyers who in 2014 were typically 53-years-old.
  • Over the last decade an average of 19% of first-time buyers and 5% of repeat buyers lived with relatives or friends.




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  • The U.S. Census recently published an interactive infographic exploring how young adults, aged 18-34, have changed over the last 40 years.
  • Over the last 13 years the percent of young adults living with a parent has increased from 23.2% to 30.3%.
  • While the percentage of recent homebuyers who have previously lived at home has not increased to the same degree as the percentage of young adults living with a parent, the increase does show why the percentage of first-time buyers living with family or friends may not have decreased over recent years.

Living With a Parent

