NAR’s recently released 2016 Profile of International Activity in U.S. Residential Real Estate gathered information from residential seller’s agents about international clients who sold residential property.

International clients who sold their U.S. residential property mostly came from Canada, China, United Kingdom, Mexico, Germany, and India–a list that is notably similar to the list of top foreign buyers of residential property. Other major sellers of U.S. residential property are from Brazil, Australia, Japan, Venezuela, and Colombia. Respondents reported several cases of Canadians selling their U.S. property because of the stronger U.S. dollar.[1] Just less than ten percent of respondents could not identify the seller’s country of origin.

international clients

The properties sold by international clients were mostly located in Florida, California, Arizona, Texas, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, Illinois, and Ohio. Not surprisingly, the list of states where foreign buyers sold their U.S. property is similar to the list of states where foreign buyers typically purchase U.S. residential property.

location of res
Properties owned by international clients sold for $446,191 on average and for a median of $245,331. International clients from China and the United Kingdom sold more expensive properties. This is consistent with the data that Chinese and U.K. clients tend to purchase properties that are more expensive than properties purchased by other foreign buyers.

mean and median

[1] A stronger U.S. dollar means that a Canadian who sells U.S. property gets more Canadian dollars for every U.S. dollar of investment on the purchase of a U.S. residential property.
