Association Executives Committee
REALTOR® Party Resources Work Group
November 9, 2019
San Francisco, CA

Meeting Summary

Work Group Purpose

Identify program objectives, models/templates, and best practices that state and local associations can use for their leadership and member advocacy orientation and training initiatives.

Meeting Activity

Work group members formed three breakout teams, and met virtually during the summer.  Breakout team leaders provided the following final team reports, and solicited feedback from work group members.

REALTOR® Party State Conference Grant Program – team members reviewed the grant program application/process.  The grant was previously named the State Association RPAC Education Grant, and was revised to more directly meet the needs of state associations. The purpose of the grant is to motivate and aid state association to host trainings and meetings that educate and empower local associations to meet their advocacy goals and core standards.  Updates to the grant include new grant limits, more clear guidelines on use of the grant funds, and more flexibility.  Grant funding was reduced due to growth in use since changes were made, and if continued at the previous funding rate, and the usage growth continues, budget would be exceeded.  NAR will look at increasing funding, if grant continues to be useful and helpful.  The grant, like the previous grants, require a REALTOR® Party leader to present relevant information to the volunteer leaders.

Grant program criteria will be communicated all state AEs to ensure program awareness. 

REALTOR® Party Programs Impact – team members previewed the online REALTOR® Party Interactive Resource Guide that is currently under development and due to be released 1Q 2020, and provided the following feedback:

  • Index and organize interactive guide according to how end users will work with the tool.
  • Allow searchable areas for the Vote, Act, Invest elements
  • Allow searchable how to solve a problem
  • Allow historical search
  • Cross-reference with Core Standards Sections (where activity fits)
  • Add a ‘Recipe’ Level Key for Initiatives to include level of volunteer commitment, level/hours of staff involvement, dollars spent
  • Ranking to be displayed by a House Symbol as opposed to low, medium or high difficulty, or a monetary $ symbols, etc.

An interactive guide will be easier to use and incorporate other REALTOR® Party apps that are also being revised.  Members suggest a “How-to” video be created that can debut during the 2020 AE Institute.

REALTOR® Party/Advocacy Issues Speaker Resource – team members created a speaker resource directory template that will be accessed via the REALTOR® Party website for local and state association reference when seeking presenters for REALTOR® Party and advocacy messages.  The speaker directory will be viewable by topic/issue and area of expertise, and fees will not be included. A link to speaker bios and reviews will be included, as well as a cross-reference with a new interactive Resource Guide.  The directory can be self-populated, with staff review.  The AEI Year Round Facebook group will be a great resource for initial speaker recommendation requests.  A policy will be created on speaker submissions, and self-recommendations, and will include nominator contact info (email), the ability to sort by state, and date of entry.

Team members and a GAD group will serve as first review group prior to public distribution.  Advocacy staff will provide a completion timeline.  After completion, the GAD group will review the directory periodically to ensure that it is accurate and up to date.

Other feedback

Work group members also suggest development of videos and webinars to help educate AEs, and a learning resource similar to C2EX platform to educate AEs on the basic education of the legislative process, how to find information, and simplify REALTOR® Party resources, and ensure mobile friendly access.

It will be important to create a communication plan to ensure AEs are aware of new advocacy resources.

Work Group Members

Laura Crowther, RCE, NC – Chair
Erin Hervey, RCE,  MO – Vice Chair
Holly Callanan, RCE
Ryan Castel, RCE
Michael Coughlin, RCE
Vardell Curtis, RCE
Lance Evans, RCE
Anne Gardner, RCE
Nathan Gorton
Kenneth Hogan, RCE
Debbie Leber, RCE
Steven Louchheim, RCE
Michele Mills Clement, CAE
Josh McFall, RCE, CAE
Michael McGee, RCE
Kathy Nichelson, RCE
John Petrack, RCE
Brandy Purcell-Hartman, RCE
David Stark
Brent Swander, RCE
Ryan Swinney, CRS, GRI, SRS
Albert Tran, RCE, CIPS
Scott Williams
Dale Zahn, RCE

Arlene Davis

Staff Executives
Susie Helm and Krystal Allen

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