Work Group Objective

To continually review and consider M1 policy and enforcement issues and clarify existing policies and procedures as concerns arise.

Discussion and Recommendations

The M1 Policies Work Group considered and approved the following recommendation prior to the 2011 Midyear Meetings.  The recommendation was approved by the AEC.

"That the current M1 Batch Upload and Batch Download programs as they are now available will continue to be available for use through June 30, 2012.”

Rationale:  An extension of the December 31, 2011, Central Database (CDB) compliance deadline allows more time for membership system vendors to install their CDB connection in their association systems. Associations that are planning to subscribe to CDB compatible systems, but due to backlogs or other reasons can't be implemented by year-end, will not have to incur the expense of two conversions – one with their current system prior to year-end and one with a new system in 2012.  In addition, compliance with the existing year-end deadline would require many associations to install new systems in December, which would disrupt association membership records and e-commerce payments during the dues billing process, and adversely affect services to members.

M1 Update and Review

Chris DeRosa provided an update on what the work group has recommended over the past 18 months that is being accomplished including:

  • New batch refresh system coming out in July.  The M1 ITS group is rewriting the 1997 old batch system which will reduce the time it takes to refresh data.  For instance, the entire state of California will be reduced from 43 hours to 1 hour. 
  • Online member application enhancements include:

a. member can pay online after filling out application
b. automatically add application to M1 
c. association can customize application by adding logo
d. can delete application

  • Creating a recurrent payments options for members paying via e-commerce (mostly used by MLS)
  • Military service tracking implemented in 2010 - 50 records in M1 
  • National dues update reports – can access live member counts monthly (only for associations who send NAR dues electronically)
  • COE reports – can access COE report (only for associations who enter COE (COEN/COEC course codes)
  • LSs as POEs – Metrolist MLS in Colorado and Arizona looking into becoming Points of Entry (POEs)
  • display opt-out – members have the capability to “opt out” of appearing in “find a member”

Next meeting

Saturday, November 12, 2:00pm - 3:30pm, REALTORS Conference & Expo, Anaheim, CA

Work Group Roster

Chair:  Nancy Dunning, RCE (FL)
Vice Chair: Claire Shahzad, RCE (TX)


Trudy Bounds (MS)
Tamela Brookhouser (NE)
Claudia Chappelle (RI)
Paul Chasse, RCE (MA)
Connie Goodnow, RCE (KS)
Richard Marashall (VA)
Lois Monette (GA)
Jeanette Newton, RCE (VA)
Jerry Panz, RCE, CAE (NC)
Jacqueline Parkinson (HI)
Tom Quattlebaum, RCE, CAE (MD)
Charles Scoville (TN)
Carol Van Gorp, RCE, CAE (FL)


Cindy Butts, RCE, CAE (ME)

Staff Executives: 

Laurie Oken
Chris DeRosa, RCE, CAE

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