Work Group Purpose
To provide support, tools, and strategies to help REALTOR® associations identify and communicate their value proposition to REALTOR® members and potential members.
Background – 2010 Value Proposition Work Group
2010 AEC leadership formed this work group to help associations communicate their value to their members, which has become increasingly important in the struggling economy with declining membership.
The work group talked about what members receive for their dues dollars and how those benefits are communicated. They also discussed how association core values/services and communications tools could be articulated into an end-product and what the end-product should look like.
Philip Lesser, Bostrom Corporation, also addressed the group and stressed that before an association undertakes any new program or service, it should confirm with the members that this new service will help grow the members’ business and increase their profitability. To stay on top of member needs you need to heavily engage them to learn what they need to be secure and prosperous in their careers.
2011 Value Proposition Work Group
A new Value Proposition Work Group was formed in 2011 to continue the initiative. Its first meeting was March 22-23, 2011, in Dallas (in conjunction with the 2011 AE Institute).
Melynn Sight, President, nSight Marketing, facilitated this day and a half meeting, which included discussions about why and how associations should undertake the process of developing a value proposition. The group met in three breakouts that developed materials on identifying target audiences, conducting focus groups, and broker outreach. These three areas provided the foundation for what became on the online Value Positioning Toolkit.
Toolkit Development
The work group met during the 2011 Midyear Meetings to create and finalize an outline for the online toolkit. Staff and facilitator Melynn Sight developed the remaining pieces of the toolkit, which features the following sections:
- What Is A Value Proposition?
- Steps to Get Started
- Target Audience and Member Outreach
- Research: How to Identify Member Needs
- Synthesizing the Information
- Developing the Value Proposition
- Communicating Value
- Examples from Associations
The completed toolkit was reviewed by the work group in August 2011 (in conjunction with the Leadership Summit), and then posted on
Following its August meeting, this work group was disbanded.
Work Group Members:
Jarrod Grasso, RCE (NJ) – Chair
Sheila Dodson (MD) – Vice Chair
Andrea Bushnell, RCE -- NC
Laura Crowther – SC (a)
Cade Fowler -- TX
Nelson Janes, RCE, CAE -- CA
Susan Kline, RCE, CAE -- NH
Nick Kremydas, RCE – SC
Pam Krieter, RCE -- IL
Duncan MacKenzie -- NY
Terry Penza, RCE, CAE -- IL
Veronica Precella -- CO
Kathy Roberts, RCE -- FL
Doug Rotthaus, RCE -- NE
Denise Tatman, RCE -- DE
Gary Walter, RCE -- MI
Malcolm Young, RCE, CAE -- LA
NAR Liaison:
Cindy Butts, RCE, CAE (ME) –Liaison
NAR Staff:
Cynthia Bair
Cindy Sampalis
Melynn Sight, nSight Marketing