Association Executives Committee
AE YPN Work Group
Wednesday, May 14th, 2014
Washington, D.C.


Meeting Summary


Work Group Purpose

To encourage and promote involvement and career development in the REALTOR® association management profession through recognition and education opportunities; to provide idea sharing and networking opportunities for younger AEs through the AE YPN Meet-ups at the AE Institute, REALTOR® Party Convention & Trade Expo, and Annual Conference; and host an annual event for AEs that will enhance the visibility and value of the AE YPN network.

Meeting Activity

The work group broke into four groups to discuss each goal for 2014:

  1. AE Mentor Program Promotion
    • Incorporate the Mentor Program into New AE Orientation materials for greater exposure.
    • Add testimonials from AEs in former / current mentor relationships for a more peer-related perspective.
  2. Develop “How AEs Can Get Involved in Committees” pages on
    • Make information already available more accessible to those new to the industry.
    • Create visuals of timelines and overall structure to make the “big picture” more accessible.
    • Encourage seasoned AEs to reach out to others in their area to get involved.
  3. RPAC Fundraising
    • Strive for 100% RPAC participation by work group. Discuss plans to host a potential AE YPN RPAC fundraising event, with the tagline “AE YPN – We Believe”
  4. Working with REALTOR® University
    • Recommend more concentrated promotion for the association management curriculum.
    • Add RCE points to the courses taken, so that AEs can accumulate points on their RCE ADF after completing REALTOR® University courses.
    • Host “bite-size” webinar for AEs discussing the courses RU has to offer in association management / how to get started.

Next Steps

Each team will participate in a conference call to discuss further steps to achieve each goal by the time we meet in November.

Next Meeting

2014 REALTORS® Conference & Expo, New Orleans, LA --
Saturday, November 8th, 2014, 2:00p.m. – 3:45p.m.

Work Group Members

Ryan Conrad, RCE, CAE, Chair
Mike Valerino, RCE, Vice Chair
Wyndi Austin
Byron Bogaard
Mike Cotrill, RCE
Karen Dumond, RCE
Amanda Sue Eberson
Mark Epstein
Marisol Espinoza
Dawn Kerr
Ruth Link
Josh Melton
Michaela Mitchell
Megan Moore
Brandy Purcell, RCE, CAE
Sharon Whitman
Amanda Woods

Staff Executive

Courtney Wilson

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