Association Executives Committee

Global Business Councils Work Group

Sunday, March 31, 2019; Thursday, May 16, 2019; Friday, November 8, 2019

Austin, TX; Washington, DC; San Francisco, CA

Meeting Summary

Download the Meeting Summarypdf (PDF 109.7 KB)

Work Group Purpose

Explore NAR’s Global Business Councils Program and identify resources and support that could assist local and state associations in their domestic global efforts; provide input on NAR’s global achievement program and propose enhancements to recognizing global business excellence.

Meeting Activity

The first meeting of the AEC Global Business Councils Work Group was held at the AE Institute on March 31, 2019. Work group members introduced themselves and gave an overview of their global business association experience. NAR staff Lisa Calarco gave an overview of NAR's Global Councils. Global success stories were shared, and a discussion of the role of Global at both the state and local level and the current perception of it in the AE community was discussed. After those successes and challenges were shared, certain repeated issues were noticed and it will be the goal of the work group at the next meeting to discuss these issues more in-depth with the goal of providing some solutions by the conclusion of the work group.

The second meeting of the AEC Global Business Councils Work Group was held at the REALTORS® Legislative Meeting on May 16, 2019. The work group is formulating action plans for best practices that will be shared with AE peers in their global pursuits via webinars and community resources and partnerships, including global initiatives into strategic plans. The work group will provide suggestions to enhance the NAR global councils web content and identify the tools needed to start the global dialogue with members. The work group is also evaluating the Global Achievement Program process and application in order to provide feedback for ways to improve or evolve the program.

The third meeting of the AEC Global Business Councils Work Group was held at the REALTORS® Conference and Expo on November 8, 2019. The AEC Global Business Councils Work Group formulated an action plan to develop a toolkit with best practices, sample strategic initiatives and budgets, promotion materials, outlines, checklists, videos, webinars, etc., that can assist associations in creating or enhancing global councils and advancing their domestic global efforts.

Next Steps

This work group will sunset after the REALTORS® Conference and Expo meeting. A request has been submitted to the AEC to continue their work in 2020.

Work Group Members

Andrea Bushnell, RCE, Chair
Tessa Hultz, RCE, CAE, e-PRO, Vice Chair
Linda Arcouette, GRI
Amanda Brewer, RCE
Roxie Glenn, RCE
Laura Haag
Theresa Hatton, RCE
Norma Jayne, RCE
Deb Junkin, RCE
Erica Kirk
Kendra Murray, RCE
Nicole Murray, CRS
John W. Riley, RCE, GRI
Gina Setterbo
Andrew Sims, RCE, CIPS
Linda Stoeckicht, RCE, CIPS
Tricia Thomas, RCE
Mike Valerino, RCE
Steve Volkodav, RCE
Rob Wigton, RCE


Arlene Davis

Staff Executives

Lisa Calarco and Renee Holland

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