Goal #1

Facilitate open communication between the AEC and other NAR committees whose goals and activities may impact REALTOR® association policies, procedures, and management operations.

Expected Outcome: AEC liaisons to NAR committees serve as the communication link between the AEC and other NAR committees. Liaisons ensure that issues discussed in the respective committees have the benefit of the AE perspective and that the AEC is apprised of issues being considered during and between NAR meetings, including issues that surface through on-line discussions and at local, state, and regional meetings. AEC leadership engages in communication with NAR officers to ensure that all levels of the organization coordinate efforts to best serve the members.

Action/Update: AEs were appointed to serve as liaisons to NAR committees and beginning with the 2011 Midyear Meetings these liaisons are asked to keep the AEC informed of key issues that impact REALTOR® associations. The liaisons are also expected to communicate information from the AEC to the respective committees for which they serve as a liaison. In addition, AEC leadership meets with the NAR officers at a regularly scheduled time during the Midyear Meeting and the REALTORS® Conference to keep them abreast of issue developments.

Goal #2

Provide resources that will help associations administer and implement the REALTORS® Code of Ethics Training Requirement, formerly known as the Quadrennial Ethics Training Requirement.

Expected Outcome: A toolkit of resources that would help associations save time and expenses in administering the requirement. The toolkit could include correspondence templates, calendars, NRDS record-keeping guidance, the role of leadership, the role of state associations, incentive examples to encourage members to complete the training prior to the last year of the quadrennial, promotion examples appropriate for each of the four years of the quadrennial, social media applications, success stories, myth busters, etc. Another valuable output, as recommended by the work group, is an outline for a session packaged and offered at state and national AE sessions to provide an overview of key aspects of administering the Code of Ethics Training Requirement.

Action/Update: The Ethics Training Resources Work Group will review a final prototype of an online ethics training toolkit, as recommended in 2010 by the AEC Quadrennial Ethics Training Review Work Group. During this past year the work group identified content for this toolkit in the following three categories: 1) Communications/Marketing; 2) Administration; 3) Training Tools. At the 2011 REALTORS® Conference meeting the work group will provide input on the prototype to NAR Member Policy and nar.realtor staff, before the final toolkit is posted on nar.realtor. The work group will sunset after this meeting.

Goal #3

Provide support, tools, and strategies to help REALTOR® associations identify and communicate their value proposition to REALTOR® members and potential members.

Expected Outcome: A toolkit of resources to help REALTOR® associations identify and define their association and promote and market value in the services they provide to members. The kit will include a needs assessment survey tool, sample value proposition statements, guidelines for sharing value propositions, communication tools, best practices, and case studies.

Action/Update: The Value Proposition Work Group worked with NAR staff and consultant Melynn Sight to create the online Value Positioning Toolkit, to help associations communicate to current and prospective members the benefits of membership and the value they receive in exchange for their investment. The work group reviewed the online kit during its last meeting just prior to the August Leadership Summit. The toolkit has been posted online at nar.realtor and the work group has been sunset.

Goal #4

Support the needs and initiatives of an AE YPN group.

Expected Outcome: Generation X and Y AEs have opportunities at NAR meetings to meet the following objectives: networking; discuss and support next generation technology and communicate best practices and initiatives; identify future AE leaders among the staff ranks; help younger AEs stay connected and engaged with the association; serve in a liaison capacity to the REALTOR® YPN group and support the local YPN chapter initiative.

Action/Update: The results of an AE YPN survey and focus group will be shared with attendees at the next AE YPN Meet-up in Anaheim on Saturday, November 12. The purpose of the study was to explore how best to inform, educate, and engage generation X and Y AEs and guide the efforts of the AE YPN group. In addition to a report on this research, the meet-up will include time for networking and idea sharing.

Goal #5

Identify content for a balanced mix of program offerings for volunteer and staff leadership teams to be scheduled at NAR meetings; provide input to NAR staff as the REALTOR® Leadership Program for volunteer leaders is developed.

Expected Outcome: Programming designed to strengthen leadership skills and partnerships are offered for AE and president leadership teams that attend NAR meetings; NAR launches a new leadership training program for volunteer leaders, in partnership with the Ontario Real Estate Association.

Action/Update: The REALTORS® Leadership Program launched during the 2011 August Leadership Summit. There are currently 15 trained facilitators that can present the two available RLP courses for REALTOR® associations across the country. The two courses, Leadership 200: Becoming a Leader, and Leadership 300: Enhancing Leadership Skills, are also offered at NAR meetings.

Goal #6

Continually review and consider NRDS policy and enforcement issues and clarify existing policies and procedures as concerns arise.

Expected Outcome: AEs understand the NRDS policies and have the information they need to implement and respond to questions about these policies.

Action/Update: The NRDS Policies Work Group considered and approved the following recommendation prior to the 2011 Midyear Meetings. The recommendation was approved by the AEC.

"That the current NRDS Batch Upload and Batch Download programs as they are now available will continue to be available for use through June 30, 2012.”

Rationale: An extension of the December 31, 2011, Central Database (CDB) compliance deadline allows more time for membership system vendors to install their CDB connection in their association systems. Associations that are planning to subscribe to CDB compatible systems, but due to backlogs or other reasons can't be implemented by year-end, will not have to incur the expense of two conversions – one with their current system prior to year-end and one with a new system in 2012. In addition, compliance with the existing year-end deadline would require many associations to install new systems in December, which would disrupt association membership records and e-commerce payments during the dues billing process, and adversely affect services to members.

The NRDS Policies Work Group will not meet at the 2011 REALTORS® Conference meeting as there are no issues to address.

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