A NAR-sponsored webinar on Wildfires and their Impact on Real Estate has been scheduled for Thursday, Oct. 27, 3:00 PM Eastern Time.  The purpose of the webinar is to educate Realtors about the dangers of wildfires and how they can help homeowners and their clients protect their property.

Among the speakers on the webinar will be Michele Steinberg, a wildfire expert with the National Fire Protection Association.

Wildfires are becoming increasingly dangerous to property owners. The Wildland-Urban Interface (aka, the WUI), areas across the country where the built environment bumps up against forested areas, contains 46 million single family homes, several hundred thousands of businesses and a population of more than 120 million. and growing, is also at a higher risk from wildfires. Since 2000, in the U.S., over 3,000 homes on average per year have been lost to WUI fires.  This is compared to about 900 homes per year in the 90's and 400 homes per year in the 80's.

Factors for this increase in damage and destruction includes more frequent and more severe wildfires, the long-term drought in the western states, poor management of forested areas and increased development in the WUI zone.

Register for the webinar

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