NAR was one of several invitees to the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) on Tuesday Aug. 2 for a workshop on the future of drones and aviation. The event gathered experts from government, industry and the academic research community in order to accelerate opportunities and address challenges posed by this emerging technology. OSTP also announced a series of actions, sustained by public and private support, to promote the safe integration and innovative adoption of unmanned aircraft systems across the United States. These announcements include actions that expand the Federal Government’s capacity to use UAS technology.

NAR was one of only a few trade associations invited, and was the only real estate related group included. NAR Vice President Michael Labout from Colorado Springs, CO, represented NAR at the event.

For more information on the FAA's Commercial UAS rule, visit the drone page on here.

You can watch a recording of the presentations made at the White House here.

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