On January 12, 2018, NAR submitted a comment letter to the Appraiser Qualifications Board (AQB) in response to the Fourth Exposure Draft concerning proposed changes to the AQB's Real Property Appraiser Qualification Criteria. NAR agreed with the AQB's removal of the degree requirement for Licensed Residential appraisers, the basic appraiser qualification, and to instead require completion of 150 AQB Core Curriculum credit hours. NAR also agreed with the AQB's increased flexibility for successful completion of the education requirements for Certified Residential appraisers.

NAR is concerned with the AQB proposal to reduce the experience hours for appraiser classifications and the impact that could have on the quality of incoming appraisers. In addition, NAR asked the AQB to allow for prior work experience to count towards the education requirements.

NAR Comment Letterpdf

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