Washington Report

Advocacy Updates from Washington D.C.

FHFA Ends Single Family Rental Program

On August 21, 2018, the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) announced that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (Enterprises) are ending their single-family rental pilot programs, stating that that the larger single-family rental investor market continues to perform successfully without the liquidity provided by the Enterprises. Moreover, the Enterprises will limit their participation in the single-family rental market to their prior investments over the past two years.

NAR has long opposed the Enterprises providing financial guarantees to large Wall Street investors, who can use their financial advantage and outbid homebuyers, which reduces the supply of afforable homes for Americans. The Enterprises’ single-family rental deals with Wall Street giants have clearly not advanced affordable homeownership.

Read NAR's Letter to the FHFA

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