On Monday, Feb. 25th, 2013, the Bipartisan Policy Center (BPC) Housing Commission released a report titled, "Housing America's Future: New Directions for National Policy". This product was the culmination of 16-months of research and study that was spearheaded co-chairs former U.S. Senator Christopher Bond, former Secretary of HUD Henry Cisneros, former U.S. Senator Mel Martinez, and former U.S. Senator George Mitchell.

The 17-member Commission was comprised of a group of housing experts that spanned the entire housing finance sector - from consumer groups to financial institutions to academics, and of course end-users including real estate professionals.

The National Association of REALTORS® (NAR) offered commendation to the BPC for their comprehensive report, and its intention to kick-start a national conversation regarding the reformation of the Nation's housing finance system.

Gary Thomas, NAR 2013 President, stated, "NAR firmly believes that sound housing policy and the availability of mortgage credit is essential for our nation's sustainable economic recovery and long-term growth, and the Commission's report reflects many of the same principles that guide NAR's thinking."

A link to the BPC's Housing Commission report is enclosed. As stated by NAR's President, many of the principles espoused by the BPC Housing Commission are in-line with NAR's thinking. However, there are some that are not. NAR staff continues to review the report and will share their thoughts on similarities and differences over the coming weeks.

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