Learn about top-level domains with the help of RealTown’s Saul Klein.

This blog post series explores the value of new top-level domains for real estate professionals and brokers, with both simple and advanced advice.

Smiling Managers Working on Tablet

New Real Estate Domain Rush Opportunity — .realestate

If you're a REALTOR® and you're wondering if you should take part in this opportunity, look no further.

Touchscreen Choices

Choosing Your Domain in the Age of Dot ANYTHING

As the Internet continues to mature, the addition of more Top-level Domains (TLDs) will also continue.

Stock Market Figures

Driving Awareness and Adoption of New Top-level Domains (TLDs)

What will drive consumer awareness of “dot com” to “dot something else?” Money, money, and more money.


A Thousand Plus Top-level Domains for What? Who Cares? Google Does!

Learn about the largest ever expansion of the domain name system and of the Internet.

Businessman Showing Chart to Coworker

Domain Names Represent Brands and Virtual Destinations and Can Have Huge Value

Why register a domain name now? Because it might not be available tomorrow!

Domain Names on Keyboard

A Brief History of “Domain Names” as the Evolution and Acceptance of “Not Coms” Continues

In 2015, a new chapter in domains was written with the potential for the creation of thousands of new TLDs.