These are the activities specifically planned for local and state presidents at NAR’s annual meetings: the REALTORS® Conference & Expo and REALTORS® Legislative Meetings & Trade Expo.

Forums and Meetings

State and Local Leadership Idea Exchange Councils

The State Leadership Idea Exchange Council and the Local Leadership Idea Exchange Council are both offered at NAR's two annual meetings for presidents and AEs to attend together. Presidents-elect are also encouraged to attend. The councils are structured according to association membership size so presidents can exchange ideas and hot topics with other presidents of like-size associations. In addition, the councils provide presidents with the opportunity to convey grassroots concerns to national association leaders who attend and respond to questions from council members.

Council Sessions

At the REALTORS® Legislative Meetings & Trade Expo and REALTORS® Conference & Expo, AEs and Presidents should attend council sessions according to board size:

Large State: The 17 largest state associations, based on total membership
Medium State: The next 17 largest state associations, based on total membership
Small State: The remaining 16 state associations, and Washington, D.C., Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands

Mega Board: Boards with 7,000 or more members
Large Board: Boards with 2,000 to 6,999 members
Medium Board: Boards with 500 to 1,999 members
Small Board: Boards with fewer than 500 members

Leadership Express (only during REALTORS® Legislative Meetings & Trade Expo)

The Leadership Express program, for association staff and volunteer leadership teams, comprises three 40-minute sessions, scheduled concurrently and then repeated, allowing attendees the opportunity to attend two of the three workshops All sessions are presented by industry leaders, association management experts, or leadership consultants.

Networking Opportunities

Local Presidents/Presidents-Elect Roundtables

Leadership roundtables focus on a variety of local topics in an informal setting to encourage information exchange and networking.

Leadership Luncheon

Sponsored by the REALTOR® Association Certified Executive (RCE) Certification Board, this luncheon features keynote speakers on industry issues. Tickets are available through the REALTORS® Conference & Expo site.

Voting Duties

As your association’s elected leader and spokesperson, you are responsible for keeping your membership informed of National Association policies, programs, and operations. You are also the voice of your membership, and by casting your vote at the Delegate Body meeting at Annual you also convey the informed choice of your members regarding policy decisions adopted by the National Association.

Every local and state association is encouraged to send a delegate to the REALTORS® annual conference to vote at the Delegate Body Meeting. That delegate is either the President or his or her alternate who is a member of the state or local association in good standing. In order for a delegate to be eligible to vote, an officer of his or her respective board must certify the delegate. AEs can certify their delegate online at or onsite at the conference. Delegates CANNOT certify themselves.