Stand out from the crowd with print and copy services, REALTOR®- logo branded items, special offers on marketing opportunities, and targeted digital advertising campaigns to help grow your business.
Business & Marketing
Our Business & Marketing Partners
FedEx (Office)
Save up to 20% on your most vibrant marketing materials, including promotional flyers, color copies, brochures, and up to 10% off eye-catching signs, banners, and more.
Receive 10% to 20% off select print and copy services, including business cards, flyers, signs, binding, and more. Also save up to 26% on select FedEx shipping services. To enroll, visit FedEx or call 1-866-869-1171 for faster service. Be sure to provide passcode LCRS8p01. Once enrolled, simply present your FedEx Office account number in-store or online to take advantage of these savings.
FedEx (Shipping)
FedEx, NAR’s exclusive shipping provider, offers a variety of discounts for all your shipping needs.
NAR Members save on select services for both personal and business use including up to 26% on FedEx Express®, up to 12% on select FedEx Ground® services, and up to 20% on select FedEx international services. Enrollment is fast, easy and free, and there are no minimum requirements. Visit FedEx to enroll or call 1-866-869-1171. Be sure to provide program code LCRS8p01. Once enrolled, simply present your account number in-store or online to take advantage of these savings.
Your premier destination for revolutionizing your online presence. Top-level domains such as .realtor™ and .realestate, coupled with cutting-edge website solutions tailored to elevate your business to new heights.
All REALTORS® receive a .realtor™ domain, which includes a Professional Website. Building your online brand and standing out has never been so easy, and the domain renews at only $39.95/year after the first year.
REALTOR Team Store®
REALTOR Team Store® is NAR's official supplier of REALTOR®-logo branded promotional products, offering a wide array of items, including lapel pins, bags, hats, shirts, decals, folders, jackets, and more. It includes a full line of "built to order" REALTOR® logo branded garments.
Receive 10% off or free shipping on your next order of REALTOR®-logo branded products. Enter promo code NARmember2024 at checkout for 10% off, or NARfreeship2024 for free shipping. by ReferralExchange
This elite agent marketplace for buyers and sellers leverages data science and optimized marketing campaigns to grow your business. It’s free to join and begin receiving referrals today.
Typically available to only our PRIME subscribers, use the exclusive NAR REALTOR Benefit® link to receive a free profile review and optimization tune-up from one of our account managers.
Rental Beast
Leading provider of rental monetization tools designed for real estate professionals. Members get free access to rental-centric tools and comprehensive rental education.
NAR members receive free access to Apply Now by Rental Beast, the secure FCRA-compliant online rental application and tenant screening engine, as well as unlimited access to Rental Beast University, the digital education platform designed by industry experts. Sign up for your free account for direct access to Rental Beast. Initiate applications for any rental property. Access comprehensive resources through Rental Beast University for free, 24/7/365.