This is very cool. Serving as the Association Executives Committee chair feels like my turn at bat. I’m sure many of you remember playing baseball in the summer as a kid, waiting and waiting for your turn to step up to the plate and feeling that the game was up to you. That’s how I feel now.

Over the years people have asked me, “How did you get into the business?” Well, back in 1982 I simply needed a job! I’m sure many of you can relate.

I recall the day I accepted the job of administrative assistant to Jim Peters at the Fort Lauderdale Association of Realtors® in Florida. It was two weeks before I had a clue what the association did. I thought, what are we selling these people? And why are they giving us all this money? That was 22 years ago. I never thought I’d stay in this business. However, it has been a blessed career. My late father never did understand that I don’t sell real estate.
I cherish the opportunity to serve as chair of the AEC. For those of you who don’t know me personally, there are a few things I’d like you to know about me. I have a wonderful family, and they are my focus. I spend a lot of time with my wife and kids at sporting events, skiing and snowboarding in the Rockies, and just having fun. I have a very demanding job and leadership. In other words I have responsibilities outside of my role as your chair. But I assure you that I’ll take my AEC responsibilities very seriously and approach them with considerable passion, all while keeping things in the proper perspective.

Serving with Keith Holm, last year’s chair, was a blast. With Keith’s able leadership of the AEC in 2005, we made a difference and certainly heard some very dry and witty humor from him along the way. Thanks, Keith. You served us so very well.

What’s on tap for 2006? Your AEC leadership met in Chicago last August and addressed a number of areas, including:

* The creation of a new Strategic Issues Report titled “Change is Relentless”

* An investigation into how the AEC can provide continued support for Realtor® associations affected by Hurricane Katrina and other natural disasters

* The active promotion of Realtor® association management as a rewarding career and profession

* The development of a strategic vision for the AEC

* An effort to encourage regional and


AE training

In addition, there are many challenges at all levels of the Realtor® organization. It’s an interesting time for our members, their customers, and those of us who are responsible for solving all the problems of the universe. No problem, right?

I ask for your help. Throughout the year, new issues will come up that the AEC will need to address, and I’ll need your involvement. Let me know your interests, concerns, and ideas. Sure, I know the basis of a volunteer-run organization is the standard solicitation for involvement, but we are a special group. We have a common vision, and together we can make a difference.

Let’s have some fun in 2006 and make it a productive and enjoyable year. Thank you for the opportunity to serve as your chair. I look forward to seeing you in May.

– Robert E. Golden, 2006 AE Committee Chair
Colorado Association of REALTORS
