It energizes you. “It got my creative juices flowing again. The wealth of knowledge gained by reviewing all the information to prepare for the exam was a great refresher and motivator. I’m proud to have earned the designation and encourage others to ‘Just Do It.’ ”
—Pamela Krieter, rce, Realtor® Association of West/South Suburban Chicagoland

It makes your job easier. “No matter how long you have been in the real estate industry, your job will become easier because of what you learn as you study for, and achieve, your RCE designation.”
—Randolph Wright, rce, Collin County Association of Realtors®,


It exemplifies your dedication to the AE profession. “Earning the RCE designation was an important step along the path of AE professionalism. It says to my members and leadership that I am serious about what I do and know what I am doing.”
—Laura Burns, rce, Clinton County Board of Realtors®, N.Y.

It leads to career advancement. “If you believe in professional development, you believe in the importance of obtaining your RCE designation. So many of my friends who have taken a position with another Realtor® association have told me that their initial interview was predicated on having the RCE designation, which says that members are noticing the RCE.”
—Elaine West, rce, cae, Greater Lansing Association of Realtors®, Mich.

It establishes you as a role model. “Even though I have had the CAE designation since 1983, I thought it was important to obtain the RCE so that I could encourage other AEs in Indiana to work for it also. It’s like RPAC; you cannot ask someone to give if you are not a contributor yourself. I would also encourage others who have their CAE to take advantage of the CAE+5 program.”
—Richard Nye, rce, cae, Indiana Association of Realtors®

It symbolizes your competency. “Earning the RCE designation is the pinnacle of my Realtors® association management achievements, as it sends a message to my association members that I have the knowledge and experience in the areas of Realtor® association management that make us competitive, proactive, and leaders in our industry.”
—Carol Shapiro, rce, Eastern Middlesex Association of Realtors®, Mass.

It provides a sense of personal achievement. “Receiving the RCE designation was very rewarding to me as the fulfillment of a longtime goal! It is a great feeling of pride and accomplishment to have my name added to the list of distinguished AEs and CEOs who are fellow RCEs.”
—Carol Vieira, rce, South Metro Denver Realtor® Association, Colo.

It advances your career. “Working toward the RCE designation was crucial to expanding my knowledge of association management. The RCE program allowed me to grow and develop the necessary skills to transition from government affairs director to eventually becoming the CEO.”
—Karen Wingender, rce, Greater Rochester Association of Realtors®, N.Y.

It can surprise you. “After 20 years I wanted to see what I didn’t know, and I found out I didn’t know as much as I thought I did!”
—Jane Forth, rce, Bucks County Association of Realtors®, Pa.

It gives you a new networking community. “I wanted to join the ‘best of the best.’”
—Andrew Schaus, rce, Arkansas Realtors® Association

It’s easier than ever with technology. “The online exam was very convenient for me—I appreciated having a local proctor administer the exam for me before it was offered at a national meeting. The local online exam process worked very well for me.”
—Jules Wade, rce, Memphis Area Association of Realtors®, Tenn.
