While most people love the prospect of getting their homes in order for spring and summer, very few actually enjoy the process of spring cleaning. It's all a bit overwhelming this time of year—switching out closets from winter to summer clothes, getting the yard in order, scrubbing the grime off the windows after months of winter weather. But according to the National Association of REALTORS® consumer site HouseLogic, a good spring cleaning is important not only for appearances sake, but for your health. Without that big clean as the seasons switch, pollen can settle into a home and cause allergy sufferers some major issues. To assist in this undertaking, HouseLogic outlines some common cleaning mistakes to avoid, such as starting without a plan, skipping the mattress cleaning, and ignoring things out of reach like high windows and ceiling fans.

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Check out HouseLogic's list of the most common spring cleaning mistakes and how to rectify them. Talk to homeowners to see how they are tackling spring cleaning and what they will be focusing on. Speak with a REALTOR® to get their spring cleaning tips, especially for those planning on putting their home on the market.
