In This Issue

Business Issues Update

NAR and Other Organizations Support Bill to Level Playing Field for Community Businesses

Short Sales

BofA Short Sale Videos

Business Issues Update

NAR and Other Organizations Support Bill to Level Playing Field for Community Businesses

On November 23, 2011, NAR and a number of other organizations sent a letter thanking Senators Mike Enzi (R-WY), Dick Durbin (D-IL), and Lamar Alexander (R-TN) for introducing S. 1832, the Marketplace Fairness Act. The bill would help states and local governments collect much-needed revenue and level the playing field for community-based businesses by allowing states to enforce sales taxes on goods sold to their citizens from out of state. By putting catalogues and online retailers on an even playing field with local brick-and-mortar businesses, the bill will protect local jobs, promote community investment, and maintain local access to essential goods and services.

Vijay Yadlapati, 202-383-1090

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Short Sales

BofA Short Sale Videos

Bank of America has posted 5 videos to help real estate professions succeed in getting short sales to closing using the on-line Equator system. The videos each last 5-6 minutes and cover the following topics: (1) initiating a short sale, (2) uploading documents, (3) the short sale valuation process, (4) offer analysis and investor decision, and (5) closing a short sale.

Charles Dawson, 202-383-7522
Jeff Lischer, 202-383-1117
Tony Hutchinson, 202-383-1120

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