The Power to Serve
Everyone wins when staffers have authority to make customer service decisions and solve problems.
By Julie Sturgeon

A Complaint Is an Opportunity
Find out what's working, what's not, and make people happy along the way.
By Janet Edwards

Phones Ringing Off the Hook?
New technologies can help improve service to members over the phone.
By Masha Zager

10 Great Member Service Ideas
From member-access Wi-Fi to risk management certification, here's new member services ideas from across the country.
By Bridget McCrea

Chair Report 
Customer service priority 
By Keith Holm

Executive Briefing 
Association news and events 

Legal Update 
Liability of member warnings 
By F.P. Maxson

Logo redo 
By Stephen Klaniecki

Political face time 
By Carolyn Schwaar

Best Practices 
13 customer service essentials 
By Carolyn Schwaar 

-- Online Exclusives -- 

More --- > Great Member Service Ideas
From member-access Wi-Fi to risk management certification, here's new member services ideas from across the country. In addition to the 10 great service ideas in the print edition, pick up a few more ideas here online. 

For more information on RAE, contact Carolyn Schwaar,, 312-329-8874.
