11 Ways to Encourage Members to Donate to Hurricane Relief

Associations are proving to be the backbone in the fundraising efforts for the REALTORS® Relief Foundation. Already, NAR has received nearly half a million dollars to be donated to relief funds established by the Louisiana, Alabama, and Mississippi associations of REALTORS.

So how are they doing it? Below are just some of the ways associations are driving members to action:

1. Offer to match member contributions.

2. Call for and accept donations at general membership meetings.

3. Publicize your efforts to the local media.

4. Solicit your vendors to contribute or match your contribution.

5. Take over the MLS welcome screen with a call for donations.

6. Create a friendly contest on which member office can collect the most funds. The winner would win a prize donated by a vendor or affiliate member.

7. Provide a link in your weekly electronic newsletter -- every week.

8. Hold a special board of directors meeting to determine a contribution goal and plan fund-raising activities.

9. Post notices about the relief project on the member listserv.

10. Send out push e-mails on how members can help -- often.

11. Post prominent information on your Web site linking to nar.realtor's resources.

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