On August 2, 2017, the National Association of REALTORS® hosted an Appraisal Summit, focused on the role of Appraisal Management Companies (AMCs) and their effect on the appraisal industry. A variety of stakeholders in the appraisal field, including AMCs, lenders, federal regulatory officials, trade association representatives, and REALTOR® agents and appraisers attended the Summit. NAR Vice President of Government Affairs Kevin Sears led the discussion, which covered topics ranging from how AMCs and lenders handle appraiser independence issues to ways on the ground agents and appraisers can develop a better understanding of each other's role. NAR is focused on educating its members about the appraisal system that is currently in place but also influence policy areas where the organization sees opportunities for improvement.

At the 2017 REALTORS® Conference and Expo in November, NAR will host a Real Property Valuation Forum entitled: Dispelling Condo Confusion for Agents and Appraisers. 

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