Discover how top real estate agents are leveraging a unique strategy from content sponsor On The Move Truck to stand out in a crowded market. Learn the features, benefits and best practices for implementation.
On The Move Truck

The real estate market is fiercely competitive, with agents constantly striving for unique ways to make their mark. A standout strategy that has been making waves is the On The Move Truck. This innovative approach is simple in concept but impactful in execution.

A Strategy That Moves You Forward

Offering home buyers the use of a moving truck might not seem revolutionary at first. However, the brilliance of this strategy lies in the details. The moving truck isn’t just a utility; it’s a mobile billboard featuring eye-catching, custom-branded graphics. This isn’t merely a convenience for your clients but a strategic move that serves as a marketing powerhouse. As you help your clients move into their new home, you’re also moving your brand into the minds of potential future clients and passersby. In a world where brand visibility can make or break your business, this strategy provides an active solution to passive advertising.

Not Just a Truck But a Billboard

A truck adorned with custom graphics garners an average of 600 views per mile, according to industry metrics. To put that into perspective, that’s akin to having a small crowd see your advertisement every single mile. This is monumental for a local business seeking to extend its reach. The truck becomes a 24/7 advertisement for your real estate services, capturing eyeballs even when you’re asleep.

The Self-Sustaining Advantage

The On The Move Truck strategy isn't just about spend, spend, spend. It’s also about earning back your investment. Real estate agents can sell ad space on the back of the truck to local businesses, creating a symbiotic relationship that benefits everyone. This turns the strategy from a cost center into a self-sustaining revenue stream. Partnering with local businesses that offer complementary services, such as home renovation or landscaping, can create a network of local companies supporting each other while offsetting the costs of the truck.

Amy Stockberger, a top real estate agent in Sioux Falls, S.D., confirms the efficacy of this strategy: “My trucks are free by selling ad space to local partners. The strategy has not only given me an edge in the market but has also been a self-sustaining venture.” Stockberger’s testimony showcases how well the strategy works when executed correctly, as well as how it can serve as a revenue-generating tool.

Satisfaction Guaranteed: A Risk-Free Investment

With all these benefits, you might wonder about the risks involved. We’re here to put those worries to rest. We’re so confident that the On The Move Truck strategy will be a profitable addition to your real estate business that we offer a satisfaction guarantee. You are not locked into a long-term lease for the truck, allowing you to test the waters with confidence.

Free Limited-Time Offer

If you find this strategy compelling and want to elevate your real estate business, we have a special offer. We are currently providing a free mock-up of a truck design featuring your branding. This limited-time offer is available exclusively for the first 100 inquiries. So, don’t wait; seize this opportunity to drive your business to new heights.

Request your free mock-up today!
