A leading broker in Dallas offers three tips for long-term success in any market.

Growing up, I always had the desire to make a difference. But after entering real estate in 2001, I knew I had found my calling to do something special.

In 2007, I took a leap of faith and started Rogers Healy and Associates Real Estate. My goal was to create a family-oriented office environment, full of dynamic people focused on one objective: changing real estate.

I can confidently say we’ve done just that, and the best part is, we’re never going to stop making a difference. Our agents are business-minded professionals who just happen to be working in real estate. The way we train, coupled with the way we sell, has given us an edge in the marketplace. More importantly, we have a culture that’s untouchable.

Here are three reasons we are successful in our marketplace; hopefully they can help you lead in yours too.

1. We provide training to our agents three times per week. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or fresh agent, there is always something new to learn in this evolving real estate market. Our training sessions vary from branding to writing a winning contract. It’s important for our agents to always be learning new strategies for serving their clients well.

2. We offer cutting-edge technology. Brokers aren’t there to provide just a desk anymore. For example, each of our agents is given a website as soon as they sign up with the company. These personal websites help generate leads and enable each agent to effectively brand themselves.

3. Our culture is second to none. Our mission is simple: Never stop learning and never stop serving. We celebrate our values through our actions. The real purpose of being an agent is to be an advocate, a confidant, and a servant-leader. Our approach to selling is different because we help make dreams come true by listening to our clients and treating them like family. I tell all of my agents to connect with their clients first, and then worry about the sale.


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