Regional Manager
Century 21 Affiliated
1033 N. Mayfair Road #321
Wauwatosa, WI 53226
United States
Wisconsin US

Giving People What They Want

Consumers simply can’t get enough real estate information—they want home values, crime rates, taxes, and walkability, to name a few indicators. It’s essential to be able to convey the data so that clients can make informed decisions, says Kelamar Svoboda. Facebook and Google+ are two channels he uses to keep people informed. “It’s all about being a person of value,” he says. “If I can’t give it to them, they’re going to go somewhere else.” It’s also about being candid and clear about the market. The transparent approach, besides being good for business, sets the right example for his son, regardless of whether the 2½-year-old ever goes into real estate. “He’ll know I did business the right way with integrity,” he says.