Coldwell Banker Residential
3810 Valley Center Drive
San Diego, CA 92130
United States
California US

“I was surprised at how poorly informed most people are when it comes to selling their home. They have no clue what’s involved.”

Alatriste was working at a construction equipment rental business when a customer, a real estate salesperson, suggested that he switch careers because of his savvy sales and phone skills. He was scared but took the risk when the salesperson offered to mentor him. He’s worked full time in real estate since February 2003, reaching $8 million in sales in his first year.

Important lesson learned: Initially Alatriste spent 18 hours a day working and ignored his family. His broker suggested he join the Mike Ferry coaching program to learn to prioritize. He did and now has quality time for his family, a wife and two children, 6 and 1.

How he gives back: During a parent-teacher conference at his daughter’s school in a Spanish-speaking neighborhood, Alatriste learned that the students had only black-and-white photocopies of books. He organized a fundraiser, soliciting local businesses to buy books. The result: 300 books in English and Spanish. He continues to seek contributions and donates 5 percent of his income to the school for future book purchases.