Managing Partner
Better Homes and Gardens Rand Realty
268 S. Main Street
New City, NY 10956
United States
New York US

Steering a Behemoth

“I’m responsible for making sure the company succeeds, not just for the owners and partners but for the people who have trusted us with their careers and whose livelihood depends on me,” says Daniel Rand, 29. At 23, he began developing a lead generation program for Rand Realty, founded by his mother, Marsha. He recruited and oversaw about 30 lead specialists before focusing on opening mortgage, title, and insurance divisions—adding another 40 staffers. “I made it my mission to understand the frustrations of every team and individual,” Rand says. “Once I did, I could help them build solutions.” But sometimes, he says, the best leadership is getting out of the way and letting people take ownership of their own challenges and opportunities.